First Class Communication | FirstWord
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Survive a crisis

Your brand is terrifically important, right? So it’s crazy to let it get smeared in a crisis.

You wouldn’t believe how many aren’t ready for the unexpected, or the price they pay because of it.

A recent study shows that:

  • 28 percent of crises spread internationally within 1 hour. Yes, in just 60 minutes, your bad news can be broadcast around the world.
  • On average, it takes organizations 21 hours – nearly a full day! – to issue their first meaningful response.
  • A year later, more than half have yet to recover to pre-crisis levels of consumer confidence.

That’s why we say – emphatically – that crisis communication planning is vital to your organization’s health.

First Class Communication offers schools and other organizations a crisis management tool – FirstWord – that allows you to react to a crisis in a timely, effective and compassionate manner.